Monday, April 2, 2012

My Blog is Now a Part of the Pottsmerc Time Square!!

This is incredibly exciting for me! My blog will now be a part of a large group of bloggers in the Pottstown area through our newspaper and its online component. I am so excited to be a part of this group of writers. It feels as if my writing dreams are slowly becoming real. I can not wait to be able to go to a meet up and  actually meet some of the bloggers whose work I have admired reading for so long and now I am a part of this group as well!!


  1. I can not wait to be able to go to a meet up and actually meet some of the bloggers whose work I have admired reading for so long and now I am a part of this group as well!!

  2. nice article, i just finished bookmarking it for future reference. i would love to read on future posts
